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TEQuote Release Notes

TEQuote 5.1.4

  • A new feature has been added to the Create Quote Document process. You may now elect to Print Only the Title records. Also, the ability to set this feature as a default has been added to the Preferences section.
  • A problem moving Items from Quoted to Suggested has been corrected. The error message 'a violation of unique key constraint' would display if the Item selected had already been suggested. (SIR 1721)
  • A problem with the TEQuote PDF writer has been corrected. When both Word and PDF Outputs are enabled, neither are Saved and only Word is Viewed, attempts to manually Save the Quote Document from Word to a PDF file generated a file busy error. The registry entry controlling the PDF output is now reset after imaging, allowing the user to specify a file name when manually saving a document.
  • A problem editing the Quantity of a Quoted Item has been corrected. If you entered a fractional quantity on the Quote Detail Grid, the quantity was rounded to a whole number in the Quote Detail Parts table.
  • Minor problems with replication in the TEQuote Tool program have been corrected. The Create new database script has been updated to include all new data fields from previous updates. Rowguids in databases that were previously Published have been added to the import/export files.
  • A minor problem with using alpa-numeric Customer numbers has been corrected. When a Customer with an alpha-numeric Customer number was added to a Quote. An 'Unable to open recordset, invalid column name' error was generated when attempting to edit the Customer information.
  • The ability to set the Title sequence number to zero was added. This will allow Parts and Unknown Parts to be added to that Model and will let the price be rolled up.
  • Selectivity options were added for the Install Updating Package in TEQuote Tools. Users are now given the option of either installing all data or specifying only specific Parts data such as G/L Cost, Freight, Labor, Comments, etc...
  • A problem was corrected that occured when Exporting a file to FACS in which Part Labor Hours was zero and it was divided into another value.
  • A problem was corrected that occured when using the 'Price #3' field in a Parts Report.
  • A problem was corrected that occured when using a comma in a Report Name.
  • When exporting a quote from eQuote/QuickQuote, the QuoteID will be put into the Comments field so that users can more quickly find that quote in TEQuote.
  • A Phase Title record is now added when exporting a new Part to FACS.

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